Now that 2023 is here, we are going to create a super simple, lean photography business plan that will have you go from zero to profitable before the end of the year. For some reason as creatives, it seems so stifling to put together a business plan right? It just gives most of us the heeby jeebies. Fortunately for me, I’ve always leaned on the more futuristic thinking side and so this part of the process has always been really exciting.
Today, you’re going to learn the strategies you should be thinking about as you craft the business plan for your photography business for 2023.
How To Create The Best Business Plan For Your Photography Business
Step #1. Your Vision
Abraham Lincoln famously said if he had three hours to chop down a tree, he would spend the first two sharpening his axe. Think of taking the time to plan out your vision as sharpening your own “axe”.
Before you put your head down and get to work, think about where you actually want to be in 5 years. How about 3? Now break it down to 1 year.
You have to start thinking long game if you want your photography business to truly line up with your lifestyle because it may seem super fun to do weddings for $3,500 each – but you also know you want to be a six-figure photographer and that means you will need to do about 29 weddings a year.
That’s about 2-3 weddings a month, which if you have a family you can say goodbye to your weekends.
Instead – where do you want to be in 5 years…work backward from there.
Step #2. Your Branding
2023 is the year you have GOT to get your photography branding down. More than pretty tones and a logo. Your brand is immediately recognizable when someone lands on your photography business and it makes them decide whether they want to keep looking more and keep looking elsewhere.
Do you have a current portfolio photo that you love? Do you have work in your portfolio that is going to attract ideal, high-paying clients? Is your portfolio curated and cohesive across all of your platforms and is it displaying your absolute best? Does your logo speak to who you want to attract a year from now? How is your website looking? What can someone expect from working with you?
All of the things that make your Photography business what it is. The personality behind it, how you treat your clients, your editing, your logo, portfolio, colors…it’s ALL part of your brand.
So…take a look at your brand, do you love it? If not…time to make some changes.
Step #3. Your Marketing
When you have those two pieces in place, vision, and branding, you’ll want to figure out the 2 platforms you will hit hard. Pick one social and one SEO platform – I personally like Instagram and Blogging because I like to write.
With marketing, people often get overwhelmed because they are trying to be everywhere. They are in Tiktok, LinkedIn, Instagram, Blogging, Pinterest, and Facebook, but the key to winning in marketing is to simplify.
We love Instagram for marketing the photography business because it’s an image-based app. It’s the sole reason why people are on Instagram. Many couples are using it today to find their wedding photographer. If you’re looking for help with your Instagram lead generation, check out this course.
Sit down today and really think about, which two are you willing to go all in on and show up consistently for the 12 months. If you do this – over the next 12 months, you will be unstoppable.
Your business plan for 2023 is to sit down and take into account key areas of your Photography business that need your attention and intention before you decide to go out there and create. Operating with a business plan will be an absolute game-changer for your Photography business. It will also ensure that your business isn’t taking over your life right?
Now here’s my question for you…what two marketing platforms are you going to go hard on in 2023? Which SEO and social media platform did you choose? Let me know in the comments.

1. Free Masterclass: 4 Secrets To Booked Out With Luxury Weddings
3. Quarterly Marketing Calendar
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