If you’re a Wedding Photographer, you’ve likely been stuck a time or time trying to consider the best use of your funds. Should you purchase new camera equipment, or should you purchase a photography course or mentorship?
Do Photographers Need New Equipment or Mentorship?
If you take a minute to scroll through any photography forums or Facebook groups. You will quickly see more Photographers opting for camera equipment. Even with the limited funds they likely have in their accounts as newer photographers.
This is a mistake.
The truth is, right now you can take beautiful photos with the camera you already have. A Canon lens that will cost you a couple of hundred bucks.
With what you already have, the focus should be on learning your light, your location awareness, your composition, and your posing. All of these are what truly make you fantastic at the art of photography. The fancy new lens or camera is an added bonus.
Instead, here’s what I recommend…
Find Yourself a Really Good Educational Program
Find yourself a course, program, or mentor to help you with the business of photography.
You’ll learn how to cast a vision for your business and position your brand properly. Know the next moves you should make, how to market effectively & where to market
You’ll learn the exact steps to take. So that you can make more money to go. EASILY buy the new lenses and cameras, with extra money in your pocket to boot.
The fact is…having a proven framework of someone who has gone before you will minimize the inevitable failures of trying everything alone so that you can get to your goals faster.
The Reason Why Photography Businesses Fail
Unfortunately, many photography businesses fail not for a lack of great equipment or a lack of becoming better at the art of photography. Simply because they didn’t understand the mechanics of running the BUSINESS of photography.
And friend, I want you taking beautiful photos with your fancy equipment AND thriving with profitability and ease. As you prepare to absolutely kill it this year, make sure that you are making wise financial decisions and getting support where you need it.

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